BeyondClix, The Agency


Pricing for Direct Advertisers and Agencies

We are in all probability the most flexible firm with regards to our engagement models. The list of active engagement models that we have so far engaged our clients with are:

Standard Hourly fee

  • Management times estimated for your approval.
  • No advance payments required.
  • Weekly invoicing for the 6 months.

Setup Fee + Nominal Monthly Fee + Per Acquisition Incentive

  • Unlimited Hours.
  • 50% of setup fee required to be paid in advance.
  • Per-acquisition fee calculated based on difference between target and actual performance.

Share of Pay for Performance

  • Only available for Agencies/Firms who outsource to us.
  • Your Agency/Firm owns the accounts, landing pages and adspend for your clients, who only pay you per clicks/leads/sale.
  • A %age of the profit earned month on month after cumulative profit has been achieved is shared with us by your Agency/Firm, i.e. you only pay us if you make profit.

Other Terms

  • Other payment terms can be decided mutually.
  • Our price does not include the purchase of the sponsored listings or the necessary tracking technology. The price refers only to our service fee for pay per click management.
  • Design, copywriting, tech-work etc., if required, may be outsourced by us to partners we trust, with a strict 30% markup, no more and no less, on their service fee.

Still not working for you? Drop us a line and we’ll work it out.

Why Outsource?

  • Outsourcing can be a strategic tool for making your business more productive and profitable, while giving you the opportunity to concentrate on what matters more; your organization’s primary business objectives.
  • The key advantages of outsourcing is that it enables you to invest your resources into more profitable activities, and improves the ratio of output to input.

Why outsource to us?

Our advertising network comprises of all major search engines, corresponding with 95% of English speaking website traffic worldwide. We offer in our management services on all of them. For a list of networks in our active portfolio, please visit our ppc networks page

Please feel free to read more about us and our services.

Please do drop us a line. We would love to hear from you.
Your queries will be addressed within a business day. Our replies are never robotic!

Learn about our PPC Best Practices! See a list of our PPC Networks!

Visit our “Frequently Asked Questions” Page!

Affiliate Marketers, please visit our Affiliate Marketing page!


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