BeyondClix, The Agency

All our senior analysts are qualified under our company’s “My Client Center”, making us an Adwords certified company. We are not yet Yahoo/Bing Ambassadors; we’re working on that.

We do not offer %age of adspend as an engagement model. We do offer hourly, monthly, etc. Our pricing info is available on our pricing page.

No. But is is preferred that you assign a sizeable amount to PPC as it is a more effective medium of generating sales and leads than traditional advertising, and it is advisable to test with a good amount of traffic before taking a decision on the efficacy of PPC for your business.

We do everything manually but we are open to using tools of your preference should you feel them to be more cost effective. We can help you pick them as well.

We are never privy to your credit card information neither do we ask you for your credit card information. On accounts that you own, you will need to enter the credit card information yourself. We will guide you on how to do this.

We have weekly, fortnightly and monthly reporting sheets setup in Google Docs for each client/account. We can discuss more or less frequent reporting depending on your requirements and our engagement/pricing model. In the case of fixed monthly fees, the frequency is fortnightly and monthly.

We require the use of the conversion tracking codes provided by the PPC network. In the case of e-commerce sites, we use Google Analytics to determine ROI. In the case of lead / free download / free subscription conversions, we require regular client feedback for ROI calculation. Our management cost is included in ROI calculation so that the ROI data is the NETT amount taking into account all campaign running costs.

We currently manage about $250,000 annually.

Learn about our PPC Best Practices!

See a list of our PPC Networks!

Visit our “Frequently Asked Questions” Page!

Affiliate Marketers, please visit our Affiliate Marketing page!


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